I have always loved spirituality and self-evolution. Trying to figure out how to better myself and incorporate God into everything, has always been a big deal. I've always said, if I loved making money as much as I love digging into spirituality, I would be a millionaire! So now I'm going to seminary, in the hopes that I will uncover more layers of my own spirituality, as well as a way to make a living. Now, which direction to take when I graduate...well, seems like some investigation is a good idea.
So when Dad died, it caused a lot of searching for me. I have never had to deal with death so "up close and personal" and it was a damn, big deal. It's been 3 years since he died, and I am still processing things about it. In fact, I went to a continuing ed class on death and dying, just b/c I have learned so much about myself, but also had so much trauma that came up and wanted to know what the research was about it. The class was so helpful! Did you know that PTSD sets in 6 months after any traumatic death, if it is not "processed"? and that grief is cumulative? So if you have had trauma in your life, not just death...but trauma...the grief is cumulative and can cause all kinds of things...memory loss, unresolved physical pain, inability to concentrate, insomnia, etc This class was SO interesting and helpful! It really set me on a path to see how I might become involved in therapy for those in serious grief...how I could use my own pain and resolution to help others.
Which finally brings me to my investigating Alternative Hospice in St. Louis. They are alternative b/c they do things a little differently. They take a "team" approach...I sat in on a team meeting this morning, where they discussed every single patient as a team, any changes, challenges or needs. For instance, one patient has rotting teeth...so bad that the odor is offensive and he can't eat anything but soft foods. The challenge is that he is very poor and can't afford an oral surgeon. So the hospice team puts it out there...who knows who, if charity funds are available, etc...they had the issue solved in about 4 minutes!
They also offer alternative therapies. Massage, energy work, including Craniosacral (CST), Reiki and Healing Touch. It has been proven that CST can help with the agitation that often comes with Alzheimers, Dementia and Parkinsons. How fabulous! and no side affects!
So who knows if I will use my graduate education in hospice or some other sort of grief work? It is good to get myself involved and see what I can learn for future options.
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