Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chicago Style Footnotes

You have got to be kidding me.  There are people so anal retentive, that they care if you put a comma after an author's name in a footnote.  So glad that is not my passion.  We are using "Chicago" style footnoting...or Kate...who has 7 editions to her book...on footnotes.  Well, I have a lot to learn.

Other than that...I am still loving Sancta Sophia!  Did you know there was an entire theology that is called, Esoteric Christianity?  They talk of there being 4 major players in Jesus time...Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots and Esseens.  Esoteric believes that Jesus grew up with the Esseens...that they kept him hidden and protected and then released him to the world in a calculated and political movement to stop Roman oppression.  They also believe that Jesus was such a "big" figure energetically, spiritually, you know - God-like, that he could hold the energy of the world, and when he was crucified, his blood dripping onto the Earth, raised human consciousness.

Ain't that somethin'?  Actually, I am getting a lot of new info about Jesus...we are studying the work of 2 scholars, John Crossan and Marcus Borg.  Extremely well know as Jesus scholars.  According to them, Jesus main gig was not, "love the Lord your God with all your heart. etc" but
1) Heal the sick
2) Eat food with those you heal, and
3) God is in this activity.

I find this to be fascinating, both literally, figuratively and practically.  Try it and get back to me:)

1 comment:

  1. I read a book by Crossan at some point in my religion major-ness!!! I don't remember which book or when but the NAME IS FAMILIAR!!
