Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Onward & Upward

I just can't do it anymore.  Be yelled at.  I haven't blogged...b/c I just couldn't.  First John, Julie & I go to Texas and clean out the house I grew up in.  My sister-in-law is a nightmare, so she makes a hard thing, oh! so much harder.  Then I head back to school and my girlfriend of 6 weeks (yea, it was deep) breaks up with me.  Then in school, my dean yells at me in class.  Tells me to shut-up.  I am so done with this school.  But if you thought that was the end of my month, no, no - I have to go back to Texas and finish the job - which I have to say, was good.  I was able to gain closure - but let me tell ya, it was still hard.  Do you know how odd it was to drive away, and realize I might never see the house again?

Then my brother falls off the pedestal that I have him on.  I will give no details, but let me just say - watching he and Julie walk down the same path as my parents' marriage is fucking scary.  It has been empowering in some ways - he and I are equals now.  I am no more stupid or incompetent or omniscient, than he is.  We both get to be mortal and fallible, and still love each other...but my new position in life, is just as world shifting, as his new position.

So I am transferring to Meadville Unitarian Universalist seminary in Chicago.  It is larger, more established, more professional (I bet their professors don't yell at their students!) than Sancta Sophia.  I also think their theology makes sense.  SSS...their theology is just too "out there" for me.  Can you imagine that I am saying something is too "out there" for me????  but it is.  So Chicago will be 'intensive" courses something like SSS, in that I only have to be on campus for January.  Right, Chicago in January.  Joy.  I lived in Chicago for 7 years...never thought I would go back.  Never say never.
What am I looking forward to?  Going to NYC with Katie to one of her good friend's wedding.  Then I plan to go see Mom (Boston) and travel onto Provincetown.  I'm hoping my cousin is going to join me - and we can just hang out, catch up, and enjoy the east coast in October.  I am dating someone new...but she thinks the world is going to end in October.  Might as well be in Provincetown:)

This has been a summer of evolution and learning.  The heat has been on in so many ways:)  I'm also looking forward to getting a reading list before the first day of class!  I hope your summer has been good - maybe we are all ready for life to cool down a bit...joining Persephone in the Underworld may be more peaceful than we imagined.